Thursday, September 18, 2008


If you have heart and soul
then you've had highs and lows
Peaks and Valleys
I've counted, never kept a tally
I just take life so serious
sometimes so scared to be curious
That's when I get furious and let
my inferiors get me delirious.
I have to end trying to be everyone's friend
I awake asking myself what message today do I want to send?
My heavy heart fills my passion into a bottle
while I live life in full throttle
I'm balancing trying to be a "role-model"

I feel all these eyes on me
When in myself,I am looking for a key
to all the doors that slam in my face
Funny we have doors when we all share the same space
If that is the case then what puts people in there place?
Is life really a race or just a chase?

To me life is my wife, my daughter
they are my blood, flesh and water
They are my existence to why I am here
It can't just be this restaurant career

My fear is that day it all comes clear
that I can't control
what comes from my heart
and what speaks from my soul
Every hole in my pocket is easy to sew
All the passion in my veins freely flows

That is my high
Those are my lows.


gina marie said...

This poem makes me wonder what happened at work. Or is just the standard every day toils? You are a smart man to stay rooted in the comfort of your family.

Katherine said...

Hi baby,
Love your poetry... see you in 20 minutes when I come pick you up!

Macie Days said...

you're my baby.